Guest House

Guest house is now open to welcome visitors.

The Community has a Guest House called the Old Parsonage which is about 150 metres from the Convent, with a private path between the two.

The Old Parsonage is the original 19th century Freeland parsonage attached to the village church. Since the mid 1960s the sisters have run it as a guest house.

Men, women and children are welcome at the guest house. It is not a ‘silent house’ but people can make private retreats if they wish. There are nine rooms (some double/twin). Group bookings for up to twelve people are welcome.

Those who wish to are welcome to share in the worship of the Convent Chapel.

Some produce of the community is available for purchase at the Old Parsonage.

If you would like to visit please email


The Guest Sister
St Mary’s Convent
Freeland, Witney.
OX29 8AJ

Tel: 01993 881225

There is no reservation fee or charge for accommodation, but we are grateful for donations towards the maintenance of the guest house. Cheques should be made payable to The Community of St Clare. It is also possible to gift-aid your donation.


The most convenient times to arrive are between 3:30pm and 4:30pm, or between 6pm and 7pm, but other times are possible by arrangement.

If you get no reply at the Old Parsonage door, go to the Convent at 178 Wroslyn Road, opposite Pigeon House Lane.


Rooms should be vacated by 10:00am on the morning of your departure.

Drop-In Quiet Days  

Visit the Guest House for a Drop-In Quiet Day – 10-4pm on selected days during the year.

Drop-in Quiet Days | Community of St Clare, Freeland